Saturday, October 11, 2008

A day of differences.

I woke up this uber-happy. (that means really happy). I was really excited that it was cold again, a high of like 42. I was also happy that I was going to be baking..which I love.

Well, the weather stayed the same, cold and rainy, but my cake failed miserably. It tasted great, but couldn't be used for what I wanted, so now I'm searching through backup ideas for something I can have for tomorrow. For some background information, I'm baking this for a Chocolate Sunday event at the church here, its all chocolate desserts, being judged. I want to have something that looks nice, and hopefully my #2 idea is going to work out, its a little easier.

Overall, the past week has been refreshing. I've been reading in the first few chapters of Acts, remembering what the first Church family was like. Seeing the changes in the apostle Peter. Its a great book about change. I've been seeing a lot of need for change in myself, and it helps to see a real case of true change, passionate following of Christ, and a family that supports each other. I have to wonder, what happened to a community of believers who sell everything to live together and give to each other as they need? What happened to loving the whole Church more than your own gain?

On a lighter note, it is supposed to snow tonight, a possible accumulation of an inch or so, then rain tomorrow. But at least its some snow. Which makes me happy. Snow in October?? Not in NC! We are excited. :)

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